Education System in Bolivia - An Overview

Bolivia is a landlocked country located in South America. The official languages in Bolivia are Spanish, Quechua and Aymara Guarani, with there being further 34 other native languages.

Bolivia has a Spanish dominating culture and has a lot of archaeological ruins, gold and silver ornaments and stone monuments. The lowest average temperature in the country is 15 degree Celsius  and the maximum is 30 degree Celsius.

Bolivia has a 8-2-2 formal education system. Primary school has an entry age of six and a duration of eight years i.e. Grade 1 to Grade 8.

Secondary school in Bolivia is divided into two cycles:
  • Lower secondary consists of grades 9 - 10 
  • Upper secondary consists of grades 11 - 12
Primary education for children 6 to 13 years of age is free and officially compulsory in Bolivia. However, school attendance is difficult to enforce in some areas. Secondary education, lasting up to 4 years, is not compulsory. Higher education in Bolivia includes short undergraduate programs leading to titles such as tecnico superior, professional first degrees of licenciado(a) or titulos profesionales, and graduate programs leading to the titles such as of Experto, Maestria, and Doctorado.
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